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Where people who are following Trooper's Journey are from.

Where in the World are Trooper's Followers?

Trooper has 860+ Followers on Facebook!

Where in the world are they from?


He has followers in the following countries:

         United States of America                  Canada                           Mexico

               United Kingdom                           Australia                           Egypt

                     Vietnam                                   Colombia                       Argentina

                       Brazil                                      Indonesia                    New Zealand

                   Phillipines                                    Ireland                          Morrocco

                  Venezuela                                    Serbia                            Belgium

                     Austria                                       Norway                       Netherlands

                   Germany                                     Jordan                           Denmark

                    Ukraine                            Dominican Republic                 Israel

                   Malaysia                                    Hungary                             Spain

                Hong Kong                                     Peru                                  India

       United Arab Emirates                          Finland                             Greece

             Czech Republic                          South Africa                     Puerto Rico

                      Italy                                           France                             Ecuador

                   Turkey                                   The Bahamas


If you don't see your country on the list contact us through the website or Facebook so we can get you added!

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