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Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) is the banning and restriction of specific dog breeds commonly considered "dangerous dogs". The most commonly banned breeds are Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Chows. Breed Specific Legislation came as a reaction by many states, counties, and municipal governments to dog attacks.  


What Does Breed Specific Legislation Entail?

Breed-specific restrictions may require an owner of the targeted breed to do any of the following or all.

1.Purchase liability insurance ranging from $100,000-$500,000

2.Muzzle the dog of said breed while in public

3.Mandatory Spay or neuter the breed in question

4.The breed in question may not leave the owners premises

5.The dog must be contained in a kennel with specific requirements (6' high chain link walls, a lid, and concrete floors)

6.Place signs on the outside of the residence where the dog lives with vicious dog on them

7.Make the dog wear a vicious dog tag or other identifying marker

8.Some county municipals require you to buy a special license for each dog ranging from $100-$200 per year


Are Breed Specific Laws Effective?

No. There is no evidence that Breed Specific Legislation makes communities safer. Overall the laws are costly and difficult to enforce.


If Not Breed Specific Legislation, What Will Make Our Communities Safer?

The first step in reducing dog attacks is promoting responsible ownership of animals, focusing on the following actions:

-Spay and Neuter your pets

-Don't allow your dog to run around loose and unsupervised, keep them on a leash

-Properly socialize your dogs with people and other dogs

-Obedience Training should be a large priority

-Meet your dog's physical, mental, and social needs


The next step is to implement Breed-Neutral Legislation that holds owners accountable for the actions of their pets.


Resources to Learn More:












A Great Video About Breed Discrimminatory Legislation and How it is the Other End of the Leash that is to Blame for Most Problems. Reason Magazine: Why Are Pit Bulls Banned? How Media Hysteria Created Stupid Laws

Breed Specific Legislation: What is it?

And why you should be informed about it.

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